Four steps to Mergellina, including magicians, devils, mermaids and madonnas

Mergellina vista da Castel dell'Ovo

To Mergellina, between magicians, devils, mermaids and madonnas. “Four Steps” to discover a charming area of Naples. Is this the meaning of the route proposed by the cultural association “SciòNapoli” in one of the most picturesque corners of Partenope.

The event is scheduled for Sunday, December 22 at 10.45 am. It starts with a visit to a small “church – jewel”, located at a stone’s throw from the Gulf: the Santa Maria del Parto. And it ends with the “grand tour” through the wonders of the Virgilian park. Two landmarks of Mergellina area, steeped in history.


Santa Maria del Parto is the building in which they still proudly displayed the precious remains of one of the oldest nativity scenes in the capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It was carved in the sixteenth century by the sculptor Giovanni da Nola specifically for the humanist Jacopo Sannazaro, whose tomb is located just inside the church dedicated to the Virgin. The stage at the Tomb of Virgil, however, provides an opportunity to talk with the poeta, immersed in the pleasant greenery of the hilly paradise. The protagonist of this visit he will become in fact, the singer of the Aeneid, the patron saint “profane” in the city long before the advent of San Gennaro.

Step by step it will be possible to browse, albeit metaphorically, the mighty book of the history of Naples diving into a journey back through the centuries during which you can admire the skill of the Roman engineers, the devotion of the fishermen and the liveliness of a popular festival, which has become a veritable institution on the slopes of Vesuvius: the Piedigrotta.

Four Steps to … Mergellina , including Wizards, Devils , Sirens and Madonnas

Cultural Association “SciòNapoli”

Sunday, December 22 at 10:45 am.

Meeting Point Funicular Mergellina – Via Mergellina ( please arrive 10 minutes before )

Duration: two hours

How to participate: organizational contribution non-members: € 6,00 (inclusive of registration fee); contribution to organizational members : € 5.00; over 14 (up to 18 years) – over 65 – Students: € 5.00; under 14: free.

A reservation is required (does not apply the “attend” on FACEBOOK)

Info and reservations: 333.3370769 – 348.7333581 – 327.1585555