The park flooded of Gaiola blooms in spring


With the arrival of spring, the charm of the park submerged Gaiola blooms in all its extraordinary splendor. The gentle slopes down to the sea and the cliffs of Neapolitan yellow tuff that characterize the area set in the coastal landscape of Posillipo, have always represented an incomparable and unique. A wild beauty that defies rational logic. And that only you can meet in Naples.

So what better way to pay homage to the majesty of a landscape unique, if not to make it accessible to citizens and tourists? As of the end of April until May, the Csi Gaiola non-profit organization wants to pay homage to the awakening of spring with a busy schedule of guided tours and cultural events aimed at highlighting and rediscover the wonders and numerous Roman remains submerged and “guarded” by the sea of ​​Naples, along with those still visible on the slopes of the hill of Posillipo.

Recall that the initiative is carried out in collaboration with the cultural association Gutenberg Galaxy , the Soprintendenza Archaeological of  Naples and Naples City Council (Department of Culture and Tourism).


It starts Sunday, April 27 with Stories from the Sea: a series of free literary events that will be held in the beautiful natural setting of the protected marine reserve. A real tribute
“narrated” by the sea and those who have gone through (or told) over the centuries, through the voice of the experienced readers. In the same vein then continue with the mythological narratives scheduled for Sunday, May 4 with “travel notes” by Gigi Spina, who will trace the history of starvation landing of the Homeric hero Ulisse, who, according to legend, in his wanderings in search of Ithaca stopped, apparently, also in the inlet of Gaiola.

Still, the space to the great names of literature that this time, however , lend themselves to the Eastern disciplines. And is the case of the yoga teacher  Errico De Luca, Saturday, April 26 and Saturday, May 3, will explore the theme of the science of well-being … in the place par excellence of well-being (Posillipo comes from the greek “Pausilypon” which literally means: “respite from troubles” or what ” heal the pain”) , with the activities of Yogaiola: a way to regenerate body and spirit through the practice of Yoga.

Finally Sunday, May 4th , there will be a traveling seminar on the trail of the men who brought to light the ancient villa of Publio Vedio Pollione on the slopes of the hill of Posillipo, the place where the rich Roman knight decided to spend the last days of his life. The villa, at his death, was inherited by Augustus who turned it into imperial residence.

The idea of the meeting is given by the recurrence of the anniversary (5 May 1840), the rediscovery of the Grotta of Seiano by the King of Naples, Ferdinand II of Bourbon and the consequent massive restoration project of the tunnel built during the Roman era architect Lucio Cocceio, which connects the area of Bagnoli and the Campi Flegrei and the Valley of Gaiola. The route will be marked by exhibitions of gouaches, paintings, antique maps and readings of historical passages , starting from the Grotta of Seiano to get to the Archaeological Park of Pausilypon.
All accompanied also by tourist itineraries to rediscover do, above and below, the sea, the marvels of the imperial Pausylipon.

Underwater Park Gaiola
Descent Gaiola (Cliff Cala St. Basil), Naples
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Spring of Gaiola, complete program here:

Saturday, April 26 and Saturday, May 3, 2014
Yogaiola ,17.00

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Stories from the sea, 11.00

Sunday, May 4, 2014
Ulysses at Gaiola, 11.00
Pausylipon: The Story of a rediscovery , 17.30
Between land and sea kayak tours, snorkeling and boat