Naples, the May of Monuments opens with a tribute to Leopardi


Countdown to the 2015 edition of “The May of Monuments“, a traditional spring meeting with the treasures of the Earth’s Partenope. This year, the international event dedicated to the enhancement of the artistic and cultural heritage of Naples, now in its twenty-first edition, will be inaugurated with a significant “prologue” from April 23 to 30, in the sign of Giacomo Leopardi, the poet who lived in Recanati shore of the Gulf the last years of his life and died in Naples on June 14, 1837.
The occasion was the date of the conclusion of the restoration of his tomb, by the Lions Club of Naples, located in Parco Vergiliano at Piedigrotta. A simple ceremony will mark the completion of the restoration and reopening of the site to visitors. Follow conferences and meetings in some of the most evocative of Partenope, as Palazzo Serra di Cassano or the Church of Graziella, in via San Bartolomeo, followed by guided tours to places leopoardiani of Naples, from Santa Teresa Scalzi at Fontanelle Cemetery, from the tomb of the poet to Vergiliano, until the Church of the “Devil of Mergellina”, Santa Maria del Parto. And then public readings of his works. All to remember and renew the bond of Leopardi with Naples.