And on Saturday 30, the grand procession of San Gennaro will invade the Old Town

san gennaro processione

Devotees and not, Neapolitans and tourists, anyone in the passibility Saturday 30 from 17 onwards, should not miss this spectacular procession. As in years to coincide with the May of Monuments that brings thousands of tourists to visit Naples, there will be the traditional and solemn procession of the bust of San Gennaro and phials containing the blood of the martyr, which the miracle of the liquefaction is expected ( which takes place three times a year). The procession, which as always is held on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May, will start from the Cathedral of Naples and reach the nearby Basilica of Santa Chiara, winding alleys near the crib, through a fascinating journey in the ancient belly of Partenope.[charme-gallery]The ceremony is held in memory of the historic transfer of the relics of the saint from the cemetery placed in the Agro Marciano (in the territory of Fuorigrotta) to the Catacombs of Capodimonte, then called, for this reason, “the catacombs of San Gennaro.” The procession was once known as “the infrascati”, from the habit of the clergy who participated to protect themselves from the sun, covering his head with wreaths. It is the memory silver crown overlooking the throne on which is placed the reliquary containing the blood of the bishop of Benevento, leading to the center a huge emerald. According to the strict canons of tradition, at 17, the Naples Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, after having visited the chapel which houses the Treasure of the Holy, welcomed by the abbot and bishop by the Deputation, will proceed to the opening of the safe that holds the relics of the patron.[charme-gallery]On the parvis of the Cathedral they will be already prepared the silver busts of the patrons of Ianuarius Saints, who were beheaded with him in Pozzuoli, in September 305. The start of the procession will be preceded by a brief moment of prayer led by the archbishop. The procession, if you look at the itinerary of all time, will unfold, then, to the Cathedral and Via dei Tribunali, passing before the Pio Monte della Misericordia; then divert via the Zite to reach Forcella before the ancient Church of Sant’Agrippino. Here it is scheduled to host the three parishes of San Giorgio Maggiore, St. Mary of Egypt and the Santissima Annunziata Maggiore. It will then proceed along Via San Biagio dei Booksellers and Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, continuing along Via Benedetto Croce, to the entrance of the Basilica of Santa Chiara, where he will begin the celebration of the Eucharist.