In Eccellenze Campane the tribute to Verdone of the Italian Film Festival Fashion

Eccellenze Campane a Napoli

Eccellenze Campane, the pole of the taste made in Naples, will host 19 to 21 December, in the main hall inside the space, the fifth edition of the Italian Film Festival Fashion, traveling film event, focused on the excellence of Italian cinema. The event will be presented during the press conference scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, December 19, in the system of via Brin (street number 69), at H: 6:30 pm. Leading the meeting Gabriella Carlucci. This Artistic Director Claudia Del Papa.

The Italian Film Fashion Festival is a cultural event of national importance, produced by the Cultural Excellence Association and supported by the Cinema Department of the Ministry of Arts, Culture, Cinematic and Theatrical. The 2014 edition is dedicated to Carlo Verdone, protagonist of Italian cinema, author, performer and record of excellence of the play but also, at the same time, a great witness of the new Italian neorealism.

The Festival program will be shown during the meeting with journalists. Followed by a tasting of local products. At 19 will air a video interview of Carlo Verdone, released exclusively to Sky, on the occasion of his 60 years to be followed, at h: 8:30 pm, the beginning of the film festival with the film “Un sacco bello“.

Italian Film Fashion Festival 2014
Homage to Carlo Verdone
December 19 to 21
Eccellenze Campane, via Brin 69 – Naples

Friday the 19th
8:30 pm hours – Screening of “UN SACCO BELLO”
Saturday 20
5:35 pm hours – First screening “BIANCO, ROSSO E VERDONE”
7 pm: 45 Second projection “BOROTALCO”
10 pm: 00 Third projection “COMPAGNI DI SCUOLA”
Sunday 21
5:35 hours pm – First screening “VIAGGI DI NOZZE”
7 : 45 pm Second projection “IL MIO MIGLIOR NEMICO”
9:45 pm Third projection “IO LORO E LARA”