The people of the web unite to save the Aequum Tuticum


Only one word to describe the beauty of the artistic and cultural heritage of Campania ? The mission would be really difficult, given the vastness and variety of monuments and historical sites that make our area one of the most visited and appreciated around the world .
But often the protection that should be given to these valuable natural resources is not an adequate management .
And ‘ the case of an ancient archaeological site, the Aequum Tuticum , a Roman vicus , identified with the remains brought to light by researchers , directly in the heart of Benevento in the lush lands of Ariano Irpino.

The spa building dates back to the first century d.c., and what is learned served as a veritable road junction , from which radiated many roads ( Via Traiana , the road and the Via Aurelia Herculea Aeclanensis ) that connected from north to south with the Sannio Campania, and from east to west the Tyrrhenian coast with the Adriatic .
Later, in the fifth century environments on ancient viaduct was built a villa embellished with a large polychrome mosaic , until the sixth century when the site was abandoned and then reoccupied in the Middle Ages from the urban Sant’Eleuterio .
Today, what was once essential hub of the country, there are only remains severely damaged.


This is due both to the lack of maintenance over the years but also to atmospheric phenomena , such as the violent snowstorm that struck the Irpinia two years ago , causing the collapse of some shells stamp made ​​in the ’90s to protect the excavation.
But all is not lost , some hope can be seen on the web thanks to the appeal brought by the Living Lab Irpino , edited by Arch. Amalia Cancelliere, which aims advocacy and promotion of the territory to 360 °, trying to develop the ability to attract investment in the area; our most underrated lifeline.