My beautiful Madunina, symbol of Milan, on display in the Cathedral of Nola


From 8 to 13 December, playing in the actual size of the statue of the Madonna of Milan, produced by Foundry Nolana Del Giudice in collaboration with the Veneranda Fabbrica pf Duomo, it will be on display in the Cathedral Basilica of Nola. «We are grateful to the Veneranda Fabbrica of Duomo in Milan and at the Municipality of Nola – said the Bishop of Nola, Msgr. Beniamino Depalma – for giving us the opportunity to contemplate making in the Diocese artistry Foundry Nolana Del Giudice and to do so in the same week that sees our local Church rejoice with the whole Church for the beginning of the Jubilee of Mercy» .
“After the sin of Adam and Eve, He did not want to leave humanity alone and at the mercy of evil. For this thought and wanted Mary holy and immaculate in love (cf. Eph 1,4), that he might become the Mother of the Redeemer of mankind. Faced with the seriousness of sin, God answers with the fullness of forgiveness”.  With these words Pope Francis has motivated, in the Bull of Convocation, the choice of 8 December as the opening day of the Jubilee of Mercy; these words the Church of Nola is to present its opening, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the exhibition dedicated to the statue towering spiers of the Duomo in Milan, representing, in fact, a symbol of the city of Milan. The opening ceremony of the exhibition will take place the ‘Dec. 8 in the Hall of Medallions Bishop’s Palace of Nola, at 5:00 hours pm. You can admire the Madonna and the exhibition – curated by Industriarte – through which the Foundry Nolana Del Giudice talk about the origin of the work, up to 13 December, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 5:00 at 8:00 pm. Visitors – accompanied by volunteers of Meridies – can also visit the Diocesan Museum of the city of Lilies in whose rooms are works of artists such as Giovanni Merliano da Nola and Andrea Sabatini da Salerno and the Annunciation of Cristoforo Scacco da Verona chosen to be one of the 350 works of the exhibition “The Treasure of Italy” exhibition for Expo Milano 2015.