“I am Woman” at the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum

i am woman

Paintings, photos, installations, videos and performances made by women for women. Opens today, Friday, December 12, and will be open until 8 March 2015, at the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, the exhibition “I am woman” by Antonio Manfredi. Protagonists of the exhibition, the works of over 70 international artists, invited to comment on their own identity, which surprised by the variety of portraits, sadly touching countless issues related to ‘”half the sky”. Through strong language and images of impact, the artists reaffirm their role contributing to the struggle of women: because art can, definitely, turn into a weapon to awaken the conscience. An unusual tribute to women, rich and complex at the same time, that does not escape alas issues and dramas of the chronicle. It is so that the works are born strong and howl or introspective and delicate. Those “inspired” by episodes of pedophilia or condition in Muslim countries, through unrequited love and abused bodies. So women, princesses in their dreams, they become deformed faces from domestic violence, unspoken, hidden and too often resulted in femicide, and the courage of those who report, who is tired of suffering becomes an isolated voice, almost an exception in a male-dominated world.
