Roman villas at Ponticelli, reopen the excavation

foto generica scavi archeologici
foto generica scavi archeologici

The May of the monuments 2013 don’t open only cloisters, courtyards and church squares. In the outskirts in Naples there are rests of Roman epoch that would be great actrator of tourism in other places. But so many that we have of it, are here, some forgotten. And someone still to dig. Here then that next 8 May a yard of a new archaeological excavation opens. To Bridges, next to the 167, lottery Or. It will be then date the possibility to visit the excavations already realized, beginning from Saturday 11 and Sunday May 12 th, with driven visits and edited by lessons the Neapolitan Archaeological Group.

Here at Ponticelli the rests of two Roman agricultural villas of epoch are seen among the II and the IV century d.C. That less damaged is a rustic villa destined to the production of wine and oil, that of Caius Olius Ampliatus. They are you rests of the productive places and stay, with floors to mosaic. The villa (as it brings the sites of Neapolitan volunteers and was buried from the eruption of the Vesuvius of the 79 d.C., that buried Pompeii and the cities of the area vesuviana. The discovery of Roman structures in the zone of Ponticelli happened in the eighties while popular residences were built for the after earthquake. The first archaeological excavations happened between 1985 and 1987 and then in the 2007. The building, well preserved in different environments, it represents an example of rustic villa, with local destined to the production of the oil and the wine and it is wide on around 2 thousand square meters. To South of the garden parvis there are the environments devoted to the agricultural workmanship. Further in some zones used for the panificazione, they are present areas destined to the production of the oil. A small press and some tubs of decantazione have already been recovered for the pasta of olives. In the same zone of the villa they are visible environments destined to the workmanship of the grape for the production of the wine. A big press and the tub were used besides used for the fermentation of the must. The eruption of the Vesuvius of the 79 d.C. – it is still read on – it brought to the sudden abandonment of the villa. Thing that has allowed to recover good part of the furnishings of the house. But the discovery most important you/he/she has been the recovery of one of the inhabitants of the villa, found in an underground under the place of the press vinario where you/he/she had looked for shelter during the eruption. Here it found the death burnt alive from the ardent cloud that vaporized the body of it. Among the objects that the victim had with herself, the ring was recovered with the seal of the last owner of the villa, Caius Olius Ampliatus, descending of one of the veterans of Silla that, in the first halves the The sec. B.C., you/they were appropriated in the whole territory vesuviano as farmers. The villa and its excavation will be deepened in a publication edited by Joseph Vecchio and Sergio Cascella, this last author also of the excavation.

This is the program of guided visits for the May of Monuments 2013

8 maggio h 10

New open excavation of Villa Romana


Via delle Ville Romane

Near Lotto O

11, 12, 25 e 26 maggio h 9-13

opened guided visits

22, 23 maggio h 9-13

guided visits for the school

Lessons of Gruppo Archeologico Napoletano

by Comune di Napoli, Assessorato alla Cultura e al Turismo e Municipalità VI, Soprinten­denza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei, in collaborazione con Istituto “De Cil­lis”, 70° Circolo e Scuola media “Marino”

Reservation: tel 081.7954470 –