Art, in Capua the inauguration of the Symposium of Sculpture “Coetus”


Saturday, May 30, at 6.00 pm, in the spaces of the Provincial Museum Campano of Capua (Caserta) will open the Symposium of Sculpture “Coetus”; The event, to be held from May 30 to June 14, 2015, was organized by ArsDocet and organized by event organizer Gina Affinito. It will be presented by the art critic Carlo Roberto Sciascia. The inauguration will be attended by Mayor of Capua Carmine Antropoli, the Honorary Consul of Uzbekistan Victor Giorgi, the Head of Culture Jolanda Capriglione, the artistic director of the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Citadel Art of Terra di Lavoro Alessandro Ciambrone, President EPT Caserta Lucia Ranucci, Director Albatros Edizioni Lucia de Cristofaro, the President of AGE of Caserta Rosalia Pannitti and the President of Fidapa “Calazia” Maddaloni Raffaella Carli. The event will be held in the halls and in the Cloister of the Provincial Museum Campano Capua (Via Roma 68), which will accommodate 27 sculptures by 14 artists from all over Italy, selected by a special commission in charge of the selection. The Scientific Commission for the selection of works was made by the artistic director Alessandro Ciambrone, from Merhva Arvin (artist, Iran), Mitra Kavian (artist, Iran), Fatim Benhamza (architect, Morocco), Nikos Manoudiakis (artist, Greece), Lumi Dehesa Orozco (art expert, Mexico) e Ahmad Neshan (artist, Iran).

The artists on display are Cosimo AlleraGiovanni BacuzziCarmine BuonocoreGiulio Valerio CerbellaAngelo ChirichellaShakar GalajianMario IaioneAdriano LombardoSamuel Marcuccio (Mor An Go), Gaia PasiniFranco PompeiAlessandro RocchiAlessio Trevisani e Oriana Vertucci. “The sculptures – said Gina Affinito, curator of the exhibition – have been placed so that it can” talk “in harmony with the historical spaces”; known for its expertise musologiche, construction, organization and communication, the organizer added: “Each specific choice for the preparation, taking always in agreement with the artistic director, has enabled us to design a route inside the exhibition that uses different curatorial strategies, following a pragmatic methodology or idealist, a scientific approach (based on historical patterns) or creative (based on free connections between art forms), the choice between different models of display (for traditional plant or supported by high technology), or opting for an installation of didactic, made with printed materials and related documentation cards”. [charme-gallery]

During the opening night of the event it will host two paintings of the artists Leonardo Martellucci (painter / performer) and Ivan Pili (painter), who will donate their paintings to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Capua; generous to the two artists will be awarded the certificate of “Friendship” by the City of Capua. Finally, there is the artistic performance impromptu “Dripping” by Leonardo Martellucci. The event, which is sponsored by the Department of Culture of the City of Capua, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Citadel art of Terra di Lavoro, the Unesco Club Naples, Caserta Club Unesco, the Honorary Consulate of Uzbekistan, UNICEF of the Province of Caserta, of Innerweel 210 District Club of Salerno, the Pro Loco of Caserta, Regional Historical European Union, of the Parents Italian, of AGE of Caserta, the Fidapa Calatia of Maddaloni , the Albatros Edizioni and Ars Supra Partes, was made possible thanks to the synergy between the various subjects of the first order, which they intended to favor one hand the promotion of young artists, on the other hand the conscious approach to contemporary art and the habit of frequenting museums mainly by young people. Precisely the event recorded the contribution of the cultural – the center for the promotion and dissemination of the arts “ArsDocet” for oganizzazione general, Gina Affinito for the artistic direction and organization, Carlo Roberto Sciascia for the critical section, Ivan Pili for organizational coordination, Claudia Capozi for secretarial work.
Sculpture Symposium
Provincial Museum Campano Capua (Caserta)
Info: 380.26.40.841 – 327.34.63.882
Show visited free of charge with opening hours to the public 9:00 am to 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm from Tuesday to Saturday, and 9:00 to 1:00 pm on Sundays.