Assteas’ vase, from Sannio to Expo


The crater of Assteas leave for the Expo but its charm remains in Sannio. The “world’s most beautiful vase” which tells the “rape of Europe” July 27 will leave his museum in the Bourbon Tower of Montesarchio (BN) on a journey to the Royal Palace in Milan where he will be hosted in the exhibition “Nature Myth and Greece in Pompeii “conceived for Expo. In the display case that holds the vessel a hologram will give visitors the vision of his magnificence. It remains open to the Bourbon Tower National Archaeological Museum of Sannio Caudino Montesarchio (which is open free of the exhibition “Imaginary Red – The Tale of pots Caudium) with video, holography and minimapping. Already more than 5000 people have visited the” At home of Europe. Stories crater Assteas”.” An extraordinary success – said the mayor of Montesarchio Franco Damiano – and this is just the beginning of a long journey that we are involved in the revival of the Sannio as a destination for cultural tourism of the first magnitude. Are confident that the mission will arrive Expo new positive signals”. In January 2016 the vessel will return in Montesarchio.