Travel through the beauty of Naples and its priceless treasures reserve


Saturday 20 and Sunday, September 21, returning on time every year as the European heritage of art and culture of Italy.
The event, aimed at the discovery and exploitation of the historic buildings of the boot, makes a stop in the capital of Campania with numerous and interesting events.
We see the full program.
It starts with the paths narrated which will be held in the majestic halls of the Museum of Capodimonte, where at 19.00 and 21.00, to welcome the visitors will be the choir musical Vandalia, conducted by Maestro Lucio Lo Gatto, who will be performing in the symphonic interludes fun.
The whole prelude to the visit to the seven large tapestries on the second floor of the museum, valuable fabrics by the masters in Brussels and representing the final scenes of the war of Pavia, northern Italy for the domain between Charles V and Francis The kings of France.
It continues with another bastion historic city of Partenope, the medieval fortress of Castel Sant ‘Elmo.

Within the walls of the fortress that stands on the heights of Vomero, will host the event Ianus, named for the god to whom, it is said, was dedicated to the hill where the castle.
It is an event organized in collaboration with The song of Partenope, Vocational Training Centre for Dance – “Dance Company”, Association of Project Museum; Bereshit Association, Association of the Company Tumblers; Caracol Association; with the contribution of Naples Kayak and sponsored by the City of Naples Department of Youth Policy, which will fill the castle of music, theater, literature, dj and dancing.
Artists and musicians will enliven therefore the halls of the impressive building, with events dedicated to children and adults throughout the evening.
But not over here because we remember that we are in the fall and then in the harvesting period and for those who want to experience the thrill of the grape harvest organic, the appointment is in the gardens of the Certosa di San Martino to discover the ancient strains of the fruit of the vine, such as cornicella and catalanesca, thanks to the support of society gardens of the South.
Space to symphonic music with appointments expected in Floridiana, organized by the “Mystic Gulf” and the Directorate of Museum and still in the green Pignatelli Museum continues with the musical performance “Songs and epistles of pure love and profane , “followed by a guided visit to the Museum of Carriages.
And in the tour of the treasures of Naples, could not miss the Museum of Girolamini, where you can visit the exceptionally solemn hall of the sacristy.
And if you’re still not sated the “feast” cultural awaits a brace of appointments in the wonderful surroundings of the town of Caserta, where you can enjoy the splendid Reggia di Caserta and make a stop at the Palatine Library, which houses the correspondence of Luigi Vanvitelli his brother Urbano, along with some precious volumes’ 700.
Finally to close in the best way, it is strongly recommended a trip in the charming blue island, where for the first time will be on public display in the chapel of San Bruno of Certosa di San Giacomo of Capri, two paintings made ​​by the German KW Diefenbach, dedicated to the figure of Christ.

“European Heritage Days”
20-21 September 2014

Museo di Capodimonte, Via Miano, Napoli 2, tel: 0817499111
“The Battle of Pavia and the Vandalia”
Opening hours: 19.00 and 21.00

Castel Sant ‘Elmo, via Tito Angelini, 22, Naples, tel: 0812294401
For info and reservations: 3346077812, Email:

Certosa and Museum of San Martino, Largo S. Martino, 5, tel: 0812294541
“Harvest in Certosa.’s Oldest vineyard of the monks”

Museo Duca di Martina, Villa Flordiana
“Conversations and Concerts in Floridiana”, 20.30

Museo Pignatelli, via Riviera di Chiaia, 200, tel: 0817612356
“Songs and epistles of pure love and profane” 21.30

National Monument Girolamini, Via Duomo 142 Naples
“The Sacristy of Girolamini”
Hours 16:30 to 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Reservations required: tel: 0812294571, e-mail;

The Royal Palace of Caserta, via Douhet, 2 / a, tel: 0823277468
“Hidden Places.’s Elliptical vault and attics”
Reservations required: tel.0823 448084; e-mail caserta@civitamusea.i
Start of visits: 10.30

Royal Palace of Caserta
“Flipping Vanvitelli.’s Letters to his brother Luigi Vanvitelli in the Palatine Library Urbano di Caserta”

Capri, Charterhouse of St. Giacomo, Via Certosa, 1, Capri, tel: 0818376218
“Diefenbach and the sacred in the chapel of San Bruno”
Hours: 20.00-24.00