Another vial containing the blood of San Gennaro, in inaugurated Chapel of the Relics

ampolla san-gennaro cappella reliquie

A very special event in the Village of the Virgin. The House of the Mission, seventeenth-century palace of the Vincentian Missionaries, has thrown open its doors to make available the spiritual heritage that guards. The Chapel of the Relics, the vanvitellian architecture, was opened to the public for the first time.

The Chapel is a treasure trove of artifacts from strong spiritual value: the martyr saints relics, preserved in monstrance carved and gilded wood, used by the Fathers down through the centuries in popular missions and spiritual exercises; the mysterious damned soul Framework, arrived from Florence in 1700; Vincentians relics of Saints, passed by the House of the Mission; liturgical vestments and accessories Neapolitan nineteenth-century invoice; a vial containing the blood attributed to San Gennaro and accompanied by authentic bishop dated 1792. Another of the Neapolitan patron saint ampoule, a real gem of historical and religious interest of absolute importance.

The Chapel of the Relics is the heart of the monumental complex Vincentian, which includes also the medieval crypt, the Assunta Hall, the eighteenth-century Refectory, the vanvitellian Church and its corridors. The Association Cast the net, in reality subsidiary Polo Vincentian Promotion, will coordinate the tour route in the complex, accompanying visitors to discover the history, architecture and art of this jewel of spirituality, finally opened to the village and all ‘entire city of Naples.

The inauguration, which occurred a few days ago, was solemnized by the Superior General of the Vincentian Missionaries and the Daughters of Charity, p. Tomaz Mavrič, and the Provincial Visitor, p. Nicola Albanesi. For the occasion, the Superior of the House, p. Farì Salvatore, presented the Polo Vincentian Promotion, coordination of the realities of social and spiritual promotion which revolve around the Vincentian Missionaries and have as a reference point their headquarters in the heart of the village of Virgin.

The initiatives are part of the Triduum in honor of St. Vincent de ‘Paoli, whose charisma is celebrating its 400 years of life. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe presided over the solemn Eucharistic celebration in the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, blessing the Vincentian Family and its initiatives to spread the culture of charity and missionary spirit.

Starting today, the city of Naples is rich in another point of historical interest, artistic and spiritual, and a new reality to visit, discover and love.