Naples and the Apostles, a cult made of stone (first part)

San Pietroa ad Aram, la cripta

Naples and the Apostles of Christ: a history which began in 313 a.C., when with the Edict of Costantin in the city were built the first cultic places devoted to the new faith, palaeo-Christian settlements whose remains are still visible today, like the baptistery of the 4th century incorporated into the Cathedral that was built over a pagan temple

Naples had a close relationship with Christianity since the Gospel start to diffuse into the Roman Empire territory. Two of the Apostles, Matthew and Andrew, have been buried in Campania, the first in Salerno cathedral, the second in the Amalfi one. Also Saint Peter visited Naples and met the local community.

In the place where he stopped to celebrate the mass, was built the Basilica di San Pietro ad Aram, one of the oldest cultic places in Naples, in Corso Umberto In this church is still kept the Ara Petri, the altar where Peter stood and baptised Candida and Aspreno, the first bishop of the city.[charme-gallery]

In its dungeons, together with sculptures and paintings from 16th and 17th centuries, there is a vast crypt, remain of the original palaeo-Christian structure, with catacombs where is practiced a cult pof the souls in purgatory. (followed by part two)