Today, from 16.30 toNaples, the traditional and solemn procession carrying the statue of San Gennaro and phials containing the blood of the martyr, which is expected miracle of the liquefaction (which takes place three times a year).
The procession, which every year is held the Saturday before the first Sunday in May, will start from the Cathedral of Naples and reach the Basilica of Santa Chiara. The ceremony is held in memory of the historic transfer of the relics of the Holy place from the cemetery in the Agro Marciano (in theterritoryofFuorigrotta) to the Catacombs of Capodimonte, then later called, for this reason, “the catacombs of San Gennaro.”

The procession of May was once called “the infrascati,” from the custom of the clergy who attended to protect themselves from the sun by covering their heads with wreaths of flowers. It is the memory silver crown above the throne on which is placed the reliquary containing the blood of the saint, which leads to the center of a huge emerald.