Cimitile Award, from 13 June in the early Christian basilicas

Premio Cimitile, al via la ventesima edizione

It was presented today in Rome at the headquarters of the Region Campania, the twentieth edition of the national literary “Prix Cimitile“, scheduled for June 13 to 20 in the early Christian basilicas complex of Cimitile (Naples). To celebrate the twentieth anniversary, the organizers (Foundation Premio Cimitile, with the founding members Region Campania, Città Metropolitana of Naples, Municipality of Cimitile, Association Obiettivo III Millennio), have created a photo exhibition, a book and a DVD that contain the history of the national literary festival, which has always rewarded the best names of Italian journalism and literature, discovering new and unpublished writers. The literary festival will consist of a series of conferences and cultural events, which will start on June 13th (6:30 hours pm), with the photo exhibition and presentation of the book by Vittorio SgarbiThe years of wonders. By Piero della Francesca in Pontormo. The treasure of Italy. 2”. The week will end with the awards ceremony and delivered to the winners of the “Campanile d’argento“, a work depicting the first bell tower of Christianity, that of the early Christian basilicas of Cimitile. Five prizes awarded to the best works of fiction, current affairs, non-fiction and archeology Giulia BraccoMaurizio De GiovanniVittorio Feltri and Gennaro SangiulianoMarco Damilano and Danilo Mazzoleni. It will also be delivered the award journalism “Antonio Ravel” at Massimo Giannini, and a special prize to Luigi Vicinanza.