World War II, could soon be named a soldier discovered in the hills of Salerno

Uno dei due corpi trovati a marzo dall’associazione Salerno 1943 sulla collina di Giovi potrebbe appartenere a un capitano del Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment. Lo rivela un bracciale

Soldati inglesi a Salerno

perhaps at a turning point the identification of the remains of one of the two British soldiers found by the Salerno association in 1943 on 1 March in the hills of Giovi in ​​Salerno, Pierpaolo Irpino, Vincenzo Pellegrino and Matteo Pierro. Further finding on the field would make it possible to narrow down the search for at least one of the missing. In fact, a few meters away from the area where human remains were found, a silver bracelet was recovered with engraving: “121662 R. Donald Brown Pres“. But who was the owner of the bracelet? From the information in the British archives, the researchers found that Robert Donald Brown was born in 1925 in Galashiels, Selkirkshire. In May 1943 he joined the 2nd/5th Battalion The Leicestershire Regiment in Tunisia. With this department he took part in the landing of Salerno with the rank of captain (or temporary Major). At the helm of his company, on September 16, 1943, he took part in the attempt to conquer Giovi hills. On this occasion they lost their tracks. On February 21, 1946, the Distinguished Service Order (DSO), a military decoration of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth assigned to the officers of the armed forces during war service was conferred on him.