In Pollena Trocchia back the “Bethlehem Vesuvius”


All set in Pollena Trocchia for the 2015 edition of the “nativity scene“. The “Bethlehem Vesuvius” will be set on a path of two kilometers, from Piazza Amodio, winds through the streets of Hats off to the foot of Monte Somma. This year the Nativity was built in the gardens of Villa Cappelli. Thirty scenes, animated by one hundred and twenty in costumes of the era. The attention to detail, the result of careful research on the habits and customs of Palestine two thousand years ago, acting moments inspired masterpiece Zeffirelli, “Jesus of Nazareth“, make the representation a real blockbuster. The event is scheduled for 27 and 28 December, starting at 19.

Sponsored by the City of Pollena Trocchia, the “Bethlehem Vesuvius” is blend of art, tradition and religion and is a time of sharing strong community of Pollena Trocchia. Dall’allestimento scenes, the packaging of the costumes, everything is done in the traditional way at the hands of the volunteers and the many people that the association Free Thoughts involves every year. “Special thanks to the volunteers of Liberi Pensieri and President Gianni Ognibene: volunteers devote themselves with enormous efforts to stage this wonderful event”, says Mayor Francesco Pinto. “The city administration has argued with great conviction the Living Nativity for it considered that events like this that enhance our places just as the old town via Hats and preserve traditions that come from far away, are to be encouraged by all means”, continues first citizen.

Last year, 20 thousand people visited the “Bethlehem Vesuvius”, which obtained the blessing of the bishop of Naples, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe. We are ready to host this year here in Pollena Trocchia visitors from all over the Campania region”, said Pinto. Preparations are winding down and intensifies hour after hour the work of the entire group with great dedication and team spirit is engaged in ‘staging of the Living Nativity: this year we have planned new scenes, and we hope that many come to attend our event”, said the president instead of Liberi Pensieri, Gianni Ognibene.