Sunday, September 18th at the Hippodrome of Agnano return activities dedicated to leisure and family, organized in the sports plant green park (free admission from 10.00), together with the afternoon trotting races. It opens in organic produce with the farmers’ market and artisan, by Short Circuit Flegreo, offering local crafts and farm products such as fruits and vegetables in season, goat and sheep’s cheese, peasant soups, vegan cakes, breads and flour made from ancient grains, olive oil and wine, all self-produced and certified by the participated Assurance System.
Thanks to the “pizza for a Day”, dedicated to the whole family, mom, dad and kids will learn to knead the pizza participating in one of two courses will be held at the premises of the racecourse pizzeria (11:30 and 14:30 hour shifts , cost EUR 7.00 including pizza, drink and certificate of participation, must be booked at the number 333 65 999 37). For small, from 11.30 to 16.30, many activities at the playground and green area, free pony riding, and “happy baby colored murals” to free the creativity of children through so many colors to draw on large panels . Access racecourse with bikes, skates and ball to play free and safe outdoors.
Refreshments: picnic area, pizzeria with wood oven pizza in Horses “Mario” (pizza and drink 5 €), Snack Bar “He ran from Mimi” at the main grandstand with baby menu (3 €) and restaurant ( reservations info 338 151 70 50). On the track in the afternoon also pony rides and minitrotter organized by the School Racing Pony Trot Italy growing future pupils drivers (Amateur Sports Association Horse Friends of Succivo, Caserta).
In addition, every Sunday from 6.00 to 14.00 takes place the used and craft market at the outer area of the racecourse with over two hundred exhibitors of antiques and crafts made on request by master craftsmen (Association Il Mercante in Fiera 338 2893936 or 327 1274175).
The Facebook page of the structure is to link