San Gennaro and Vesuvius as you’ve never seen


The Museum of San Gennaro and Vesuvius as you’ve never seen. A unique opportunity to wander among the treasures of the patron saint of Partenope and the very image of the “mountain of fire”, portrayed in dozens of paintings, admiring eyes of two great writers. This is the meaning of “literary tour” to the discovery of two souls of Naples told by Goethe and Stendhal, organized by the Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro in the exhibition “Fire and Passion” has been extended until next March 30.

The next round of the … “narrative art” is for Sunday, March 9, at the premises of the museum complex on Via Duomo in Napoili. Here tourists and visitors can admire, with works donated by the faithful to their patron over the centuries, antique 15 gouaches on eruption of Vesuvius and some antique survey instruments such as the first seismograph in the world of Luigi Palmieri, as well as minerals and molds coinage made ​​from lava. Two different souls, then, but complementary: an inseparable pair.

Along with singers art, Goethe and Stendhal accompany visitors on an emotional journey created by their own words and stories that have carved over time the journey of the two great authors in Naples, delivering the story the portrait of a “capital of Europe” magmatic and blood, alive and immortal just like Vesuvius and San Gennaro know how to be. A visit -reading of an hour, led by Clio, the Muse of History, to meet the authors in a unique setting: the Museum of the Treasury.

“Fire and Passion” 
Telling the Arts (Reading): Literary visit with Goethe and Stendhal
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Departs 11:30 and 12:30 am
Ticket price: 5 €
Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro, Via Duomo 149 – Naples
Phone: +39081.294980 – Mobile: +39 320 6952510 –