Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Museum at Portici Herculanense

La splendida facciata della Reggia di Portici

They return to open its doors to the public on Herculanense Museum and the noble apartment of Portici: to cut the ribbon, tomorrow (Saturday, December 21), at 9.30 am, will be the commissioner of the province of Naples Heritage Massimo Lafranco. The opening of the two “environments” of the Palace of Portici was made possible thanks to the commitment of building Matteotti and synergy with the University Federico II Department of Agriculture and the Superintendent BAPSAE.

The exhibition will open with the monumental staircase continuing to the third hall where nine descriptive panels , dedicated to the restoration of the historic royal palace, will emphasize the recovery of an asset of immeasurable value.

The museum was built by Carlo di Borbone, who wanted him in the palace (born as a summer residence ), starting in 1738, to house the relics and antiquities that gradually came to light thanks to the archaeological excavations undertaken in the areas of Vesuvius. Finds that, in a few years, become too numerous, they were moved, and went on to form the core of the Archaeological Museum of Naples. The structure shows the history of the archaeological excavations of Herculaneum through multimedia techniques, exposure of copies of works and original items.


The museum, enriched in three rooms of interactive installations and videos from the Virtual Archaeological Museum, is intended to cover the main stages of the history of ancient Herculaneum starting from the destruction to the historical vicissitudes of the findings. The museum will be open until June 2014 in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum Virtual Herculaneum, the management will be entrusted to the Museum Centre Musa.