From Decumani to Vomero, wonders to be discovered on foot – Second tour

Cimitero delle Fontanelle

There are paths that have to be made only on foot to enjoy the wonders of Naples: stunning panoramas, monuments, museums full of treasures, historical palaces. Let’s get on board!  The itinerary proposed by “Charme”. This is second charme tour.

Municipio, Plebiscito and Quartieri

The fortress, known also as Castel Nuovo delimits the area of Municipio square: an hemicycle closed on the opposite side by Palazzo San Giacomo, hosting the town hall of Naples. Not far one finds the National Library, San Carlo Theatre and the entrance of Galleria Umberto I with its glass dome, the small Trieste e Trento square, and San Ferdinando church.

On the left there is the stunning Plebiscito square, with its San Francesco di Paola colonnade and the Royal Palace with the statues of the kings.

Passing by “Caffè Gambrinus” begins the popular shopping street via Toledo, named after the viceroy don Pedro Alzarez de Toledo and built in 1535. From here depart the charming via Chiaja and the classy via Calabritto, via Poerio, via dei Mille, via Filangieri. Here are also the Quartieri Spagnoli, so called after the Spanish garrison living there, where the true Neapolitan heart is kept.

On via Toledo stand important palaces like palazzo Colonna di Stigliano, o Zavallos where is kept Caravaggio’s “The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula”, and palazzo Doria d’Angri designed in 1700s by Vanvitelli and from whose balcony on 7th September 1860 Garibaldi announced that the Reign of Two Sicilies was part of Italy. Finally there are Piazza Dante, with its colonnade, and Galleria Principe Umberto. The tour ends at National Archaeological Museum, a must see.