In Eccellenze Campane the beautiful made in Naples to the genius of Verdone


Festival dedicated to Italian cinema, but also the history of the beautiful country that ended Sunday night, with the screening of the film “Io loro e Lara” in the spaces Eccellenze Campane, the pole of the taste made in Naples, that 19-21 December, hosted the fifth edition of the Italian Film Festival Fashion, touring film exhibition organized by the Associazione Culturale Excellence and supported by the Cinema Department of the Ministry of Arts, Culture, cinematic and Theatrical.

The 2014 edition of the film festival (directed by Claudia Del Papa), organized in the city of Gulf thanks to the will of the president of Eccellenze Campane, the entrepreneur Paolo Scudieri, was entirely dedicated to Carlo Verdone (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) , protagonist of Italian cinema, author, performer and record of excellence of the play, but also, at the same time, a great witness of the new Italian neorealism. No coincidence that some of his most famous films (from “Bianco, Rosso e Verdone” at “Viaggi di Nozze“), together with a recent interview given to Sky Cinema, were projected on the screen of the Great Hall of via Brin, for the praises of many spectators at the event which had, as exceptional godmother, the TV presenter Gabriella Carlucci.

“The idea of the Italian Film Festival Fashion, married enthusiastically by Paolo Scudieri – explained Carlucci – is to tell the story of Italy through the history of cinema”. “Just think – he continued – all the films of Italian neo-realism, but also to the films of the same Verdone”. “Not surprisingly, the survey of their Excellencies began with the screening of a “Sacco bello“, cult film by Carlo Verdone. “A film – said Carlucci – that offers a glimpse of Italy 80s and where Verdone is a series of types sons of an Italian company that no longer exists, but that is part of our history”. “And if this story is not told to our children – he said -, it turns out, then, that no one will remember the most”. Instead, he raised again the presenter: “it is important, especially for those who deal with culture, talk about movies. That’s today, yeah, that makes us win the Oscar as the ‘Big Beauty’, which was attended by the same Verdone, but also that of Fellini, Visconti and Rossellini who with their work have made the history of cinema and told the cinema”.

“Eccellenze Campane – said, however, Paolo Scudieri – born with the desire to provide the system with all that is in its most multifaceted culture, from sports to wine. Passing precisely for film excellence. We managed, with Gabriella Carlucci, to put together an extraordinary event that serves us to laugh, to remember the movie we saw, but serves mainly to young people and young people to understand what were the uses and customs of Italy a decade ago, there conducted up to now”. “An Italian perhaps – said Scudieri – perhaps more carefree and dynamic, a ‘Italy that with a smile and with a little optimism has reached extraordinary levels that we must neither forget nor dissipate”. [charme-gallery]