“Los Angeles Movie Awards” artist Gennaro Regina who won the first prize in the “Best Experimental” with its docucorto “Suriezione”. The ceremony will be held tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 14, at Complex Theater in Hollywood.
The award, dedicated to the celebration of the independent audiovisual production, in the past is gone, among others, Ron Howard, Samuel L. Jackson and Malcolm McDowell. Among the winners of this edition, the director of “Teleios”, Ian Truitner; the actor of Young Blood, Azad Boutella; the actress Sarah Snook protagonist of “The Ravens”, which won through his short narrative.
Suriezione was awarded in the category dedicated to artistic experimentation, recognizing the extraordinary pictorial work and performing of GennaroRegina who made live on the summit of Vesuvius a great work dedicated to the Neapolitan volcano has always been at the center of its production.
Gennaro Regina is “l ‘Vesuvius artist”. And Vesuvius he wanted to meet and paint live, choosing to create a magnificent performance in which the paint marks on three large canvases, a marriage and a combination of attractive colors. With him on the large cone of Vesuvius, Roberto Funaro, executive producer of “Suriezione” and performance DJ who becomes a docucorto d ‘art, in which we observe the magic of Queen creativity. How is born out of his hands Vesuvius, what are the movements that performs as combining the colors and how to give shape to his ideas in a crescendo of enthusiasm and love that does not devour his personality but cling and make explosive.
“To find myself Mount Vesuvius was explosive emotion of which I can tell little – says the artist Gennaro Queen – I was in front of the enormous canvas, the large cone of Vesuvius and had prepared everything, paints and brushes. Then the music started, I fell into a trance, and I started to dip their hands in the colors. ”
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