In Naples International Festival of Old Music


Soave is the wind. Naples itineraries European music between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries” is the title of the first edition of the Festival created by the Foundation Pietà de ‘Turchini Naples, funded by the Region of Campania, which will be presented to the press tomorrow, Tuesday, November 18 at 11:30 am in the spaces of the Church of San Rocco in Chiaia (Riviera di Chiaia 254).

More than 35 events in 8 weekend of concerts, theater performances, international study days and conferences, film screenings copyright, meetings and conversations about literature, art thematic itineraries, activities for children will be scheduled at the International Festival of Old Music from 22 November 2014 and February 14, 2015.
Tomorrow speakers at the presentation to the press: Caterina Miraglia, regional Councillor of Education and School, promotion of culture, museums and libraries in the Campania Region; Federica Castaldo, Director General Centre for Old Music Pietà dei Turchini, Paologiovanni Maione, Musicologist, European arts and sciences International Festival of Old Music.

There will be artists: Emanuele CardiStefano DemicheliTeresa Iervolino e Mauro Squillante. There will also be the curators of the sections art, cinema, theater and literature: Francesca Amirante, Piera Cusani, Fabiana Longo, Diego Nuzzo.

The music of the century. Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which saw Napoli at the center of artistic itineraries in Europe, will be the cornerstone of a variety of initiatives that will be held in different areas of the city of Naples and Campania.