In Naples the first Archaeological Airport in the world

Capodichino Airport as the Metro dell'Arte: today welcomes the incoming and departing passengers between statues and archaeological finds. Another first in the city

L'Aeroporto Archeologico di Napoli, inaugurato a marzo 2017

That of Naples is the first airport in the world to showcase masterpieces of archeology to enhance and promote the cultural heritage. Carlo Borgomeo, president of GESAC, the company that manages the airport of Capodichino Airport, in the presence of many enthusiastic authorities initiative, today inaugurated Archaeological Airport, a unique exhibition itinerary for the enjoyment of passengers who will enjoy, ticket in hand, you’re including statues, mosaics and original exhibits and a copy of the sacred to the gods that Italy (historic phrase of Pliny the Elder), of which the museums of Naples and Campania are increasingly appreciated keepers.

In the footsteps of the Neapolitan Metro dell’Arte, who found so much success in the world, now Napoli can claim the distinction of having the first Archeo the world Airport. With an exhibition theme that acts as conductor: the journey, flying on Italy. The brilliant idea born from GESAC with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of the Campania region, was made in agreement with the Ministry of Culture and with great effort, dedication and realization will on the part of the public and of the airport staff and organizations involved in the ambitious successful project. Which proves once again that, in Naples, good ideas for promozionare the territory, tourism and accommodate as best as tourists can be made (and good).

And so, in the airport of Capodichino (, in the areas of departure and arrivals, travelers can get in immediate contact with the suggestions that infuse the history, art and archeology of our ancient land. A pill of the beauty and goodness of the immense range of Naples and Campania. In the departure lounge entrance area on the first floor, it starts with the headless Nike (goddess of Vittora), certified copy in resin, whose original (first century AD) located at the National Archaeological Museum (, coming from Borgo Orefici (perhaps the Gymnasium area). The other five exhibitions are located inside the airport. In the area of the boarding gate, here is the original marble statue of Triptolemus, the dispenser of the art agricultural, from the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Capua. Also on the first floor of the gate, you can admire the Triclinum, original domestic instruments Roman era coming dall’Archeologico National. And still in the gate, on the side of the ladder in corian, it appears the original of Urania, muse of astronomy, in Pentelic marble statue of the first century A.D. discovered at Herculaneum, from the Archaeological Museum.

In the arrivals area, two installations proposals Archaeological Capodichino Airport to welcome the passengers. At the gate of international arrivals, travelers pass between two mosaics (reproductions in glass tiles of original Pompeian artefacts preserved all’Archeologico). And finally, in the baggage retrieval, just in front of the door of entrance of domestic flights, a bronze copy of the statue of Hermes, the winged messenger of the gods, whose original found in the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum is exposed to the Archaeological Museum . Five of the six accurate and modern installations are accompanied by impressive digital effects, which facilitates even more the goal Airport Archaeological Naples to impress, attracting travelers with the intent meritorious and mecenatico taste to promote the immense historical heritage , archaeological and cultural heritage of Campania. A modern, deep and friendly to welcome tourists.