In Naples, the San Valentino plays with Jukebox love


A “special” serenade of love this year will involve all lovers Naples. In Naples, in fact, the Valentine’s Day comes to life with the love songs of Tiziano Ferro. The singer has signed with 42 cartouches for the limited edition of Baci Perugina, phrases that now make up the particular compilation of Love Jukebox, almost 4 meters high, set in via Toledo and Piazza Diaz. Instead of the classic 78’s though, you can choose the songs that contain the phrases transcribed on scrolls. But it will not be ‘an amplifier to spread the songs of Tiziano Ferro, but rather’ the singers live that will impress passers intoning the selected songs. A candid camera hidden will resume ‘reactions of lovers involved. From “Regalami un sorriso / io ti porgo una rosa” to “Correrei a fermare il tempo e insieme a lui le sue torture, correrei da te e ti stringerei, senza scappare mai più,” the most famous phrases of love singer who has sold over 10 million records worldwide, now become romantic messages, sung, to be preserved as a precious gift. Tiziano Ferro, universal symbol of love with his songs have made my heart beat a million couples in music the moments more exciting of their stories, binds, for this special occasion, the emblem of chocolate lovers from around the world.