90 works of three artists known to the world for its historical and cultural role of their photographic works. This can admire the March 18 to May 1 at the Pignatelli Museum in the exhibition that is called The Art of the female. Julia Margaret Cameron – Florence Henri – Francesca Woodman.
Exhibition that explores the feminine vision that runs through the history of photography. Criticism has revealed a hidden aesthetic field that analyzes the history of the medium with new eyes and captures aspects only perceived so far, experiencing unprecedented aesthetic combinations.
This new critical sensitivity, combines the three photographers in a mix so far unusual: it is not simply a collective on photography for women, nor a historical reconstruction, but an ideal dialogue between three major figures in the history of photography for that period have not never met. Cameron, Henri and Woodman, fifty years from each of the other, each narrated his era, through paradoxes and contradictions experienced directly. In common, the three madame click, have a range of expression that reveals a similar sensitivity in the representation of the female figure, in a continuing investigation of identity through the medium of photography.
Ninety images collected at Villa Pignatelli are documents that testify of art capable of expressing a kind of subjectivity, to offer a gendered dimension and internal and reveals the complexity that hides behind the conventional representations of women: an art of the female of which Julia Margaret Cameron, Florence Henri and Francesca Woodman embody among the finest examples of Western photography.
Museo Pignatelli, Naples
Riviera di Chiaia, 200
tel. +39.081.669675
Ticket Full price: € 5
Schedule: 10-17 (last admission 16 hours); closed Tuesday