At Voyage Pittoresque Factory, the “Lines shoddy” of Semmola


“… There is a city, a world that we all have around every day and that we rarely stop to observe: the sky, the sky contained in the city. The city as a “frame” of the sky… “. This, the input that led to the creation of “Lines shoddy “, exhibition of the photographer Neapolitan Francesco Semmola hosted by Wednesday, December 10, at 19, the Voyage Pittoresque Factory Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Naples. Thirty images, the result of research on a part of the urban area little seen, neglected, consisting of the border between the city and the sky. Shots in which the author combines black and white and color, presenting them as separate images, but are part of a unique, in which the two sides come together complementing each other.

Those involved in photography, and in particular architecture, knows that the falling lines, must be returned in the images in their exact verticality, without vanishing points. “Lines shoddy” obviously ignores the rule: the light is on, the sky is to be subject, the rest frame.

But they are “poor lines” because they fall ill and imperfect in terms of quality, because they look to those suburbs semi-abandoned, neglected, which develop a few meters above our heads.