In School Catering of Roccarainola it elects Miss Chef Campania


All ready to Roccarainola (Napoli) for the election of “Miss Chef Campania“. In the frame of the Catering Shool “Gnaeus Naevius” is scheduled for the third edition of the competition (first in Italy) which sees some of the best chefs in the race women of Italy with the proposition, all in pink, the most renowned menu of our local culinary tradition , between yesterday and today, valuing the “made in Italy” excellence gastronomic. In its third edition “Miss Chef” became an itinerant format that – today and tomorrow – back in Campania, where he was born in 2012, to elect Miss Chef Campania, the sixth leg of the tour in 2014 that this summer has touched various Italian regions between which Puglia, Lazio, Basilicata and New York last October. The award was conceived by Mariangela Petruzzelli, journalist and TV author for Rai Italian TV, president and artistic director of the format. President of the jury will be the well-known chef Alessandro Circiello, also face the italian television Rai. The president of the jury will be institutional Ernesto Caccavale, former MEP. In jury will also Luisa Cuozzo, young chef of Giugliano, elected in Ischia last year Miss Chef Italy