Ruins of Herculaneum, the charming theater in the moonlight


Herculaneum, storie sepolte (stories buried ndr)”, a show in a hystory show by CampaniaArtecard. Staged in the moonlight, Friday September 27, in the ruins of the city destroyed by Vesuvius. Just as in ancient Rome, when the theater was a favorite pastime by the inhabitants of the Empire. “Che la terra ti sia lieve” is the title of the unpublished text, proposed by the company “Le Nuvole” permanent theater of innovation during the nightly visits to the archaeological site ofHerculaneum. A show itself, written by Fabio Cocifoglia, actor, director and playwright who also oversaw the staging of the scientific advice of Maria Laura Chiacchio.[charme-gallery]

Le Nuvole, for over 15 years in this historic sights artistic and archaeological heritage, on this occasion has achieved a performance conceived and written specifically for the site that hosts it. In particular, the ruins of Herculaneum, the area chosen for the location is that of Fornici, the warehouse district and the port of boathouses where, in that tragic August 79 AD, about 300 Herculaneusus tried desperately to get safe and instead found a horrible death. Instantly struck down by the terrible fire of the burning cloud.

Interpreter of the “piece” is Antonella Romano, accompanied by the music of the master Lello Settembre he has chosen for this event only use flute, double flute and a cymbal old The performance brings to life the character of a blind prostitute, stretching arms to search for the contact, touch the hair, listen to the breathing of those around her as if to find someone close to her, involving the audience in an emotional performance.[charme-gallery]

The show is also enriched with a setting of immense charm: the mud wall that encloses the excavations, one can see, barely perceptible, almost exude from matter, the faces of all those people, women, men, elderly , children and carefree smile revived for a moment the moments of light of its own existence. The video installations are curated by Valentina Grotta.

For information about “Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte
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