Prince di Sangro and Cristo Velato, get the film


A film about the Prince of San Severo and the Cristo Velato? Why not. Meanwhile there is already a short film dedicated to the shadowy figure of the noble alchemist and the story about the most beautiful sculptures housed in the famous Sansevero Chapel. It’s called “La voce del sangue“, and is the work signed by Francesco Afro de Falco, presented to the public in Naples this morning in the premises of the Astra cinema, on the occasion of the first. After the “corto”, however, will be the time of the film. Yes, “now we are ready for the film” announced Federico Salvatore, the protagonist, along with Lello Serao, the “mini- project”. The idea of the director, the cast of the short (completed by Lucia Rocco) and the entire team that has promoted the work, is in fact the aim of the creation of a real feature film devoted entirely to the extraordinary figure of the Prince of San Severo and to the evocative sculpture by Giuseppe Sammartino on display in the chapel of via De Sanctis , a few steps from San Domenico Maggiore.

The direction of the short film has explained in his speech the director. “Essentially – said Francesco Afro de Falco – we focused on three aspects: the parallel between Giuseppe Sammartino, who inherited the idea of Antonio Corradini to realize the ‘Cristo Velato’ , and St. Joseph, father of Jesus Christ, the figure Prince of San Severo, out of that present in the collective imagination, the feminine aspect of the Magdalene, who  ‘married’ Corradini becomes ‘mother’ of the work that will carry Sammartino”.[charme-gallery]

Applause convinced for all players: Federico Salvatore, who plays the prince of San Severo; Lello Serao , which is Giuseppe Sammartino, who will carry nine months after the death of Antonio Corradini sculpture, the “Magdalene” Lucia Rocco. Positive comments for photography by Luca Cestari, as for the revival of the Cristo Velato, a work made for the occasion by Luca Nocerino.

Lello Serao, who is also a writer, he emphasized “the useful work done in four days to accomplish all the scenes, thanks to intense preparatory work, with an extraordinary scenery such as the Tower of Palasciano. “To sign the script Fabrizio Nardi and Carlo di Sangro, the latter a direct descendant of the Prince of San Severo.