The straining of anchovies in Cetara elixirs specialties worldwide

Colatura-di-Alici di Cetara

The IFE, the International Food & Drink Event, among the most reliable international fairs food and wine, decreed the seasoning of the kitchen of the small town of the Amalfi Coast, among the 100 most typical foods in the world. A little ‘history of this particular product? As seasoning was introduced in Rome during the Punic Wars, because they produced mainly in North Africa, from Carthage to Numidia. And here they produced the best Garum, in a cooperative Carthaginian, and was said Garum Sociorum. Much later, in the mid-13th century, were the Cistercian monks of the rectory of St. Peter in Tuczolo, hill near Amalfi, to turn it into leaking of anchovies giving even greater quality, aroma and easy production.

But back now IFE. This year from Sunday 22 to Wednesday, March 25 the show dedicated to the taste will be staged at the ExCel center of conferences and exhibitions of the British capital, and will have players exhibitors and visitors from around the world. Guests will find all the latest industry news with live demonstrations, exhibitions and seminars. 80 speakers provided including super chef as Hayden Groves and Alan Bird. A real highlight as you can understand, and a very prestigious event that will offer a global melting pot of flavors and niche products.

The anchovy Cetara, chosen among the Top 100 New Products of the event for its unique features, will be present due to Mealitaly company that offers high-end cuisine. In short, a secular tradition that wins a world recognition confirming more and more the quality of the products and culinary traditions of Campania.