We run to “gee-create us” in Floridiana


Garden who go… surprise you find. In one of the Floridiana, green heart of Vomero (Naples), Saturday 13 and 20 December, from 8.30 to 15, full immersion between ancient art and creative identity of Naples contemporary banner of guided tours, workshops and ad hoc an original market art , which will feature artists , artisans , designers and collectors made ​​in Partenope. The Sound of Music for “ArricreArti in Floridiana”, the event that alludes to a play on words, inspired by the name of the organizing association, which retrieves an untranslatable word commonly used in traditional Neapolitan dialect, to refer to a kind of fun, both physical and mental, involving 360 degrees. Provided, among other things, for Saturday, December 13, at 10, the guided tour of the ceramics of the Duke Of Martina and at 10.45, an educational workshop organized by Mavalù on craftsmanship of ceramics today. Saturday 20 December, however, at 10, visit the treasures of the Duke of Martina and, thereafter, the laboratory by Bobò on modern techniques goldsmith with nods to the recent history of the goldsmith in Naples. The entrance to the park, for the occasion, is from Via Cimarosa 77 visits (by reservation) and workshops are free: visitors will pay only the entrance fee to the museum of the cost of 2 euro.

Info and reservations : arricreare@gmail.com