Why Posillipo get its name?

Why the Posillipo hill Naples has taken the name is motivated by his eternal beauty

tratto-di-costa-delle-collina di Posillipo

Why is it called Posillipo? And as soon as I will explain you can not disagree with those who gave him this name. The Greeks call it that, and more accurately called Pausilipon, a name that is still used today for some of the structures on the hillside overlooking the sea of Naples. These Greeks who even before Neapolis began to love the whole coast and then go further south in that of Monte Echia and the islet of Megaride, where is the Castel dell’Ovo today.

The Pausilipon greek means’ respite from danger “or” that could stop the pain. ”

The beauty of those places so ever since he impressed everyone. Beauty from healing properties. For the ancient Greeks look at the view from the hill of Posillipo was a respite from the pain. And so it was for the Romans to follow. So many in fact are the findings still some villas and Roman houses that were built on the entire coast. On all Villa Pausilypon, the huge house by the Roman nobleman  Publio Vedio Pollione. Coming to the present, however, even the President of the Italian Republic is a private residence has always been the most beautiful built over time on board the sea, the beautiful Villa Rosebery. Virgiliano Park, the Park Submerged of Gaiuola, Marechiaro and Riva Fiorita today the places visited by many neapolitans and tourists to fully enjoy the charm and enchantment of the neapolitan hill.