The days FAI Spring in Campania, Saturday 25 and Sunday, March 26, 2017. That’s where

Open Saturday 25 and Sunday, March 26. Here are 59 sites open in Campania for Days FAI in Campania Spring


This year on Saturday 25 and Sunday, March 26 we celebrate the 25th edition of the Days, an important birthday for a veritable feast of essential square. The FAI invites all in 400 locations in Italy where, thanks to the efforts of 7,500 volunteers and 35,000 Apprentices Cicero, over 1,000 sites will be open. And to think that in 1993, their first edition Days FAI had these numbers: 50 places open to the public in thirty cities.
This year in Campania, 59 sites open. From Castel Capuano to the Literary Park of Nisida in Naples from Pozzuoli Rione land of the Riardo park in Caserta, from the Diocesan Museum of Nola to Marano coastal tower of Cetara, from the routes in Valle Caudina to Pollentina Source Irpinia to the territory of Atella. The days are open to everyone but special treatment is reserved for subscribers FAI – and to those who register at the event – who supports the Foundation with participation and effectiveness. They will be dedicated exclusive tours, special events and preferential lanes, because they subscribe to the FAI is a civil act, and at the same time a benefit: convenient to themselves and does well to Italy. Among exclusive openings dedicated to FAI members and those who enroll directly at the time on site:

– A dedication detail has been paid to the possibility of visiting the Italian Institute for Historical Studies, founded in 1946 by Benedetto Croce, and the Library of the Library Foundation Benedetto Croce consisting of over 120,000 volumes and 400 current periodicals, historical subjects, philosophical and literary, headquartered in Filomarino building (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 17, last entry 16 hours). This possibility that the cross between the Foundation and Institute allowed is tied to the memory of Annamaria Giordano Pascucci who can boast of having triggered the FAI in Naples lavishing energy and passion. A journey of the soul and the heart, beyond the culture. A journey that continues with these Days of Naples that FAI is proud to continue in its mission to beauty, that he loved Annamaria who remembers with joy, imagining what would have enjoyed this wedding of the FAI silver.
– the Nisida Island Literary Park that now houses the Juvenile Penal Institute of Naples in a context of nature intact (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 to 16:30. Reservations required on site. Check the hours 9:30 to 11:00 visits – 12:30 to 14:00 – 15.30).
– Castel Capuano, one of the oldest castles in the city, Norman, first fortress and the Royal Palace to the Spanish period in which it became the center of Naples judicial life, rich in frescoed halls and decorated; (Saturday 9.30-18, last entry at 17; Sunday 9:30 – 14:30, last entry 14 hours).
– the Anatomical Museum, section of the more articulate “Museum Complex University of Sciences and Arts” – MUSA University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, which contains a wealth of unique historical, scientific and educational (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 to 13:30. Reservation required on site. No admittance for children under 14 years).
– Nola of the Diocesan Historical Archive, which preserves documents of great importance for the civil and religious history of the whole reality of the Nolan territory. The fund oldest consists of 597 parchments dating from the year 1100 until the seventeenth century (Saturday 10-13 / 16 – 20).
– the hiking trail at high altitude to observe from the enchanting Ieranto, moving along the paths between the two peaks of Mount San Costanzo. (Saturday and Sunday, 10 am – 18; Limited seating: reservations only in the days before the event to 3,358,410,253);
– As usual, will open the lovely Villa Rosebery in Posillipo, neoclassical architecture point of reference in Naples, one of the three official residences of the President of the Italian Republic, Saturday, March 25 (hours 10-16) reserve the entrance to the Members FAI (with the possibility to subscribe to the FAI on site; schools by reservation only on site) and Sunday, March 26 (hours 10-16) open to all.

They will also be open to the public in Naples and Province (with a free contribution and the opportunity to subscribe to the FAI on site) many other historic and artistic sites of importance and witness of our daily life.

In the center of Naples you can visit the complex of SS. Marcellino e Festo and the Museum of Paleontology (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); Complex of St. Andrew founded in 1584 by the daughter of a notary, a convent since then called “the Ladies” and dedicated to St. Andrew. The old refectory restored in 2004 the Aula Magna of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli and frescoes of Belisario Corenzio, (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); the San Pietro a Majella Complex which includes the Conservatory, the Church and the Chapel of the Arch of the Rosary. The Conservatory was the Celestine Convent fathers prestigious center for the teaching of music. And seat of an important library which houses autographs, manuscripts relating to the music of the eighteenth century Naples, a tool Museum and Archives (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); the Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri, founded in 1882 by Gaetano Filangieri Prince of Satriano in the fifteenth century Palazzo Como, which exhibits about three thousand objects, including paintings, sculptures, weapons, porcelain, earthenware, furniture and fabrics, along with works by Jusepe de Ribera, Luca Giordano and Battistello Caracciolo (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); the Museum of Martina in Villa Floridiana, the summer residence of the Duchess of Floridia Lucia Migliaccio, morganatic wife of Ferdinand I. The collection housed in the Museum comprises six thousand works of Western manufacture and Eastern Europe, dating from the twelfth to the nineteenth century, whose most conspicuous group it is made from ceramics (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); former plant Cirio Vigliena that in 2011 it was renovated to accommodate the artistic workshops of the San Carlo Theater in Naples in this space are carried out tests of the Choir of Sancarlini, and is also preserved the historical archives of the Theater (Saturday, 10 – 18, last entry 17 hours; Sunday 9:30 – 14, last entry at 13). Reservations required on site); the Polo of San Giovanni in Teduccio the Federico II University of Engineering and Apple made in the former Cirio, with modern laboratories, a stunning Great Hall and the first iOS Academy d ‘Europe. The workshops and Apple spaces will be open to visitors (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 18); Historical Archive Enel, which retraces the steps of the electricity distribution in Italy from Europe’s first power station on arrival in Milan Public lighting in major cities (Saturday 9.30 – 18, last entry at 17, Sunday, 30.09 – 14, last entry 13 hours; Reservations required on the site. You must show your ID card or driver’s license);

At Nola, you can visit the Villa dei Principi Sallier de La Tour, at the foot of the hill Cicada, built around 1730 (Saturday and Sunday 10-13 and 16-20); the Cicala Castle which stands on a hill in the town of Nola, one of the oldest of Campania (Saturday and Sunday 10-13 and 16-20); the monastery of the Capuchin Nola located on a hill on which stood an ancient church dedicated to the Holy Cross, donated in 1022 by the emperor Arrigo to the monastery of Santa Sofia in Benevento (Saturday and Sunday 10-13 and 16-20 ).

In Pozzuoli, you can visit the Church of St. Raphael, “incredible rococo chest”, made possible by numerous donations offered by the inhabitants of Pozzuoli to the Saint Archangel (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 AM – 13:14 – 17); the charming Rione Terra, with its cathedral, an urban agglomeration which is the first settlement of Pozzuoli, place the star of all the historical evolution of the city, from the Greek and Roman settlement to modern times (Saturday and Sunday 9.30 – 13 and 14 – 17); the Diocesan Museum of Pozzuoli which collects art objects from the Cathedral and the churches of the old town taken from the devastation of bradyseism (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 AM – 13:14 – 17).

In Massa Lubrense it will be open to the public and the Church Annunziata convent, in a hilly area, where the Normans founded the first settlement of the town of Massa (Saturday 9:30 – 13 and 15:30 – 17; Sunday 9:30 – 13)

Throughout the Campania catalog of openings is varied and rich in surprising proposals. On is the complete list of the openings of all the provinces.

To defend and to love our artistic and environmental heritage is not just about us Italians. Therefore, with the project “Art. A bridge between cultures “will be offered guided tours in language, designed to give way to foreign citizens to know the history, art and the beauty of our land. These visits will take place in language at Villa Rosebery (Ukrainian and Portuguese); at the Conservatory of Music (Creole, French and Spanish); San Marcellino e Festo (Spanish); the Museum Filangieri (Portuguese) and the Duke of Martina’s Museum (Spanish and French).

For a full list of openings throughout Italy you can visit the website or call 02 467615366. The versions iOS and Android APP FAI will be available for free download from the Apple store and Google. Easy and intuitive, the location-aware app will recognize your location and display the map of the closest places to visit. We invite everyone to spread the news on the net of this event using the hashtag #giornatefai and #faicambiarelitalia.