Eclipse of the sun Friday, March 20th. Astronomical Observatory of Naples will be able to follow it


Friday, March 20 solar eclipse darkened the sky of Europe. Magic of the sky this year because it will be one of the most visible eclipse in decades, already defined the eclipse of the century. And all with the nose !!

In Italy the percentage of coverage of the Moon on the Sun will be different depending on the area of ​​course. Let ‘s see how. To the north, the percentage will be 65%, while in the center and south of about 50%. However exceptional values ​​because sufficient to obscure much of our Peninsula. An eclipse of the same amount is expected to think, in 2026. In Italy the total darkness, it will have only the eclipse expected in 2081.

In Naples there  expectance for the event, in fact, the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte and ‘ready with its researchers and their instruments, to enforce the solar disk and explain the astronomical event scheduled in the morning around 10 am, 00. Hundreds of people including high school students, cadets Air Force Academy and foreign tourists have booked to watch the show through the instruments of the structure Neapolitan.

Although the eclipse will be ‘part, about 56% to the latitude of Naples, the Black Sun always offers “an unforgettable show, which deserves the attention of those who do not usually observe the sky,” he said emphatically the director of’ Observatory, Massimo Della Valle.

The event will still be able to follow in live streaming and echoed by the Italian portal of the International Year of the Light on the site For those who would rather want to go to the Observatory, the following is the link through which to draw information: