Everyone at the “Festival of Casatiello” of Sant’Arpino

sagra casatiello

Piazza Umberto I will again this year to host 19 to 21 June, the tasty “Festival of casatiello” of Sant’Arpino, in the province of Caserta. A party literally licking a mustache, dedicated to the tasty rustic already known in pre-Christian times and used to celebrate the return of the mild season with outings rituals. Appointments during which casatiello became core and glue, cheering revelers groups between engaging music and sweet melodies. Its origins lie in the mists of time and must be sought in those special breads packaged as sacrificial offerings to the gods during propitiatory festivals. Not surprisingly, its ingredients symbolize the awakening of nature: eggs, wheat and cheese. From the latter, “caseus”, it derives, in fact, the dialect Casatiello. Culinary specialty, which is Sant’Arpino ancient folk tradition, but also a cultural and historical heritage to be preserved. A real typical product, a “center” of living culture, combining tradition and progress, quality food and culinary value, that act as a genuine challenge for the future.

The dense program of the three days, organized by the local banner of food stands and craft exhibitions, entertainment for children and adults, concerts, guided tours and lots of fun. Expected, among others, the comedian of Made in Sud, Ciro Giustiniani and live of I Terza Classe, Compagnia di Suon e Passion, Tamburrari del Clanio, Terra di Suoni, Spaccapaese and Marcello Colasurdo.