At San Domenico, the birthday of the de…wine Poet


It will be interesting cloister of the monumental complex of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples, to act as a backdrop to “Happy Birthday poet”. A cycle of four events, marked by spectacular lectiones, which will feature twelve songs of the Divine Comedy developed on the occasion of 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri. The project, sponsored by the Culture of the City of Naples, curated and organized by the “Association Guviden – the seeds of love” and the “Tappeto Volante”, it will be offered in the evenings of 18 and 25 June (the latter, as part of “Ghosts in Naples”), 2 and 9 July, starting at 20:30.

“Happy birthday Poet” comes from an idea of ​​Domenico Maria Corrado to celebrate also in Naples the 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri and is borrowed from the long experience of the Opera popularizer of Dante that Corrado has gained in the implementation of the project “Divine Journey of the Supreme Poet” that is the representation tour in three parts of the Divine Comedy, in the Caves of Castelcivita to Hell, in the Certosa of Padula for the Purgatory and the Castello of Arechi in Salerno for Paradise.

In each of the four evenings, it will be proposed exegesis, declamation and the spectacle of three cantos of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante, with the participation of the actors Ciro Zangaro, Rodolfo Medina, Francesca Iovine and Laura Pagliara, the performer Antonella Migliore, saxophonist Gianmarco Santarpino and with the special participation of percussionist Ciccio Merolla. At each lectio it will be combined with a wine tasting.