In the heart of Naples, a special opening of the excavations of the Carminiello Mannesi

scavi archeologici carminiello ai mannesi

This what you read on the site of the city of Naples:

“We announce that on 26 June and 10 July 2015 will be made special openings of the Archaeological Carminiello to Mannesi with hours 10:00 to 13:00 (last tour 13.00). E ‘possible to make telephone reservations: 081.440942 (Excavations Office – Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00) ”

But now we see a little ‘history of this archaeological site in the center of the city and perhaps for many, between the Neapolitans themselves, yet not known. Our source for the historical references in this case is the site

We read together a summary of what they write on the ruins of the ancient area of ​​the urban area.

“… The archaeological site of Carminiello to Mannesi is located in the center of Naples, occupying part of the two islets of the city greek-Roman city of Neapolis” …

“… The islets of Carminiello to Mannesi were enclosed by plateie median (height Via Tribunali) and lower (height Via Vicaria Vecchia) and two stenopoi (Via Duomo and Vico Zuroli) and were divided by a further stenopos, which no longer exists. The excavated area and currently visible is only a part of the complex that stretched for about 700 square meters.

“…The area of ​​the Carminiello Mannesi, from the foundation, was framed with the innovative concept of building with a series of terraces descending towards the sea. The proof of this comes from the discovery of structures made of blocks of tufa along the perimeter of the complex. The only trace of the oldest attendance is given by the discovery, which occurred in the ’60s, the remains of a temple dating from the fifth century. B.C. and then rebuilt in the early imperial age. ”

“… A first church was planted in the area during the early Middle Ages and during the sixteenth century the same was included in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine to Mannesi, then the Carminiello renowned for its small size. As for the name “Mannesi”, it refers to the entire area in which you worked builders and repairers of wagons. In 1943 the area was bombed and the church, along with the surrounding buildings were destroyed, bringing to light the remains of the archaeological “.

“ Systematic excavation was carried out in 1983-84 (recently published), but must wait for 1993 only because the area, subject to seizure, has finally returned to the enjoyment of visitors. The archaeological site of Carminiello to Mannesi can be divided into four main parts: rooms used as warehouses in the level -Basement – residential on the upper level – the spa complex on two levels -the mitreo, environment dedicated to the worship of the god Mithras “