Science City in celebration for children and adults up to 10 January


Can you answer questions such as why the bottle of champagne hit the mark? or What to ask a hermit crab gift if he could write a letter to Santa Claus? or also to that How many shapes and symmetries wonderful hide the bark of our Christmas tree? No? Well do not worry. These are just some of the curiosity that guides, elves and surprise guests will offer answers through workshops and activities for the whole family. Many events in the cartel set at Science City. Let us read some of these together. Dinner there is submerged in which you will be guests of honor at a banquet unexpected.

The special will then Tombola sea journey between tradition, fortune and marine biology. As equally interesting will be the new science show “In the mouth … the Whale”, where you will discover the largest mammals in the world. It does not end here. In the exhibitions of the Sea, in the exhibition Light, in the Workshop of the Little, in areas of the garden and in all areas of the City of Science will be organized festivals, events and activities to color and light the Christmas between science and fun. The Worshop Children will thus provide for children a Christmas game with lots of creative activities. And for fans of the kitchen, they are scheduled fun workshops dedicated to the cod and other scientific-season fruits. A healthy holidays there will be the Feast of January 3 La Befana comes by day.

The full program day to day can see by clicking on the link