Feast of St. Anne at Petraio, stairway village festival

panorama scale petraio

Start at 19.00 and stairways that lead vomeresi in the Chiaja become stairs celebrating the feast of St. Anne. Sunday 26 appointment now century old. Music, dances and flavors, will not miss anything. Special space will be devoted to a show entitled guarattelle Pulcinella and Arcobaleone. And if you do not know all the cone are guarattelle., Now we try to explain it with this passage found in a web search (the link www.flickr.com/groups/neapolitan_lifestyle/discuss/72157601842263658/).

“The term Guarattelle you by name to one of the oral tradition plays the world’s oldest. The etymology of the word is quite confused … .. Some also link the term Guarattelle, the French word “baubles”, with a reference to a large number of little things, a “toolbox of stuff.” However, beyond, etymology the thing that presses clarify, is that with the term Guarattelle means a type of spectacle made in a certain manner, with glove puppets to a certain extent, a specific theater, and with a particular dramatic structure , so as to distinguish the show from the other traditions of Italian puppets and world.

Certainly it is possible to identify in the Pulcinella distinctive tradition. Pulcinella is the puppet “hero” to the extent that it is “actor”, ie acts, brings to the stage the passions that are on the flap, but not fixed font of all tea towels traditional and non-traditional. The shows of Guarattelle are represented in streets all over the world for more than five hundred years, and Pulcinella traveling on the hands of guarattellari of time has given rise in Europe to traditions “cousins”. The Guarattelle have a great oral heritage of wisdom and wisdom theatrical! Survival to date this type of shows makes clear that it is not “simple comedies” but a powerful show of great historical and social value ”

But in addition to guarattelle, also the seven notes resonate in the evening of Petraio. Raffaele Inserra, Catello Gargiulo and Gianfranco Riccio will perform in a musical entitled A rumor spread songs and dances on the drum. And finally, do not miss the impressive Argentine tango, and with the performance of dances through different cities, by On The Banks of the tango, it will make it even more magical evening by moonlight which already promises very special. Surprises for lovers of food and the piano bar.