If by May of Monuments, now the final rush of the city of all the attentions are attracted to the artistic and cultural heritage of Naples, the month of June, the heart of the city is its amazing human youth. By June Young, in its second year, there will be thirty days to live rich, social, street art, sports, tours, happenings, which pass through the schools, universities and culture. In particular, this year, will be given great attention to the issue of incoming tourism. The festival that involves a lot of practice and will be an annual event, as well as the May of Monuments, established by a special municipal resolution. With this event, the aim is once again to value so creativity, passion, leadership, talent, pride, identity Neapolitan inventiveness and values of young people, the first resource for the social, economic, cultural and territorial city.
The timing of the event involves all the Municipality. The Department for Youth, funded directly the boys, with 150 thousand euro through a public announcement that he intended to promote best design ideas that had as its theme tourist accommodation and the development of the area. So many things that everyone, Neapolitans and tourists visiting the city, will be able to admire. Social Circus, Street Art, Game, Photography, Acting, Graffiti, Public Art, Food, Wellness, Sport, Music, Dancing.
Projects as well, in the event calendar June Young will create cycles of workshops also becoming an opportunity for training for young people. Are you curious to know what is the program? Well www.comune.napoli.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/24507 clicking on this link, or going to the website www.giugnogiovani.it will find all the information that can be useful. Naples, a city increasingly important role.