An unpublished Loustal showcased by Hde


Until Sunday, May 31, for Comicon Off, gallery Hde Via Fiorelli 12 in Naples will host a captivating exhibition signed by Jacques de Loustal, undoubtedly one of the best contemporary authors of comics and illustration.

On display, 45 original drawings, in color and in black and white, which show his great ability to treat all subjects, ink watercolor, oil charcoal. An unprecedented exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Institut français Naples, dedicated to the illustrations made for the major newspapers of the world: from “Vanity Fair” to “Le Nouvel Observateur” passing by “Le Figaro” and “Das magazine”.

Society, short stories, catching glimpses of the landscape, but also portraits of Marguerite Duras and Jean-Paul Sartre.

Among the works on display also stands out the historical cover designed for “The New Yorker” on the occasion of the celebration of the first gay marriage in 1994.

Great colorist, illustrator and painter original, Loustal is best known as the author of graphic novels by literary tone full of elegant disenchantment. Virtuous and prolific artist, drawn from extremely recognizable, manages to introduce his art drawing deep inspiration in painting (especially to Fauvism) and film (Wim Wenders).

Lover of travel, realized for years fascinating carnet de voyage, like that of Porquerolles whose works were hosted in 2008 by the Gallery in Naples always Hde.