Until 28 June, the Auchan Shopping Centre Naples Via Dyke, will host the exhibition “The cards tell Napoli”, thanks to one of the largest and most representative archives on Naples of the past, the collection of the journalist Gaetano Bonelli.
The event aims to tell the story of the city of Vesuvius, from the end of the thirties of the twentieth century through a narrative suggestive images, also receiving the moral patronage of the Regional Council of Campania, the Metropolitan City of Naples and the City Naples, thanks to the social and cultural aims of the initiative.
Over 200 postcards that you can see, and that will fill as many as 12 panels. Amazement, wonder and longing for someone even remember what it was like in the old Partenope. These sensations that hit probably visiting guests. The exhibition follows the arguments very specific: emigration to the description of the customs of the city, from the views of the Naples urban transformation, transport to the port, to the very origin of the postcards and the theme of advertising through this little instrument through which First, they traveled to say goodbye.