At Pietrarsa to take… “A train to the stars”


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, in the book, one of the most widely read and loved in the world, at one point asks “if the stars are lit for each of them one day to find her”.

If you too are in search of your “star2, a good opportunity to “grab it” might come Saturday, May 23, in the charming museum of Pietrarsa in Portici (Naples), one of the landmarks in the history of the Italian State Railways, open exceptionally up to 23 hours.

A special event, during which it will be possible, starting at 19, embark on a fascinating journey between the locomotives and the trains that united Italy from 1839 to the present. All this in an area of ​​36 thousand square meters, of which 14 thousand covered, sort there where once housed the ancient workshops Bourbon born in 1840 by Ferdinand II of Bourbon.

During the evening, in collaboration with the Amateur Astronomers Union Neapolitans, you can also learn more about the constellations, first in the Cinema Room, and then in the outdoor amphitheater where you will look closely at the stars, thanks to ad hoc equipment.

The ticket will cost € 8.00 (adults) or € 6.00 (reduced, under the age of 18) and includes a guided tour of the museum site, the participation of evening event dedicated to astronomy and last but not least the entrance to “Leonardo da Vinci, the Genius of Good”, exhibition on the life, works and machines of the Genius of Humanity. On display, among other things, his “machine, reproduced in scale or in both size and function effectively, but also reproductions of his masterpieces and codes.