A step of trekking through the streets of Naples


The best profile ? Difficult to capture . Especially when the subject of the snapshot is a city  rich in many features such as Naples. But to gaze at the most intimate folds of the belly of Partenope , all that is required is to set well the target , carry an acute sense of observation and look for new and unusual points of view. This is the spirit of the sports association RuNaples , who through the “National Days of Urban Trekking in Naples” , combines the sport of trekking to cultural tours in the area. A binomial , now in its second edition , that this year invites hikers and fans to walk through the streets of Naples looking far and wide , but especially above and below . “Napoli SottoSopra” , this is the name of the program, which snaps Friday, November 1st with three routes to choose , by specialized guides :


– “Bella Napoli” path that goes from Martyrs Square to Piazza Plebiscito , crossing the Waterfront
– “Beauty and Old Naples” , which again from Piazza del Plebiscito lands in the heart of Old Town
– “Bella Napoli ,Ancient and Oblique“, which dates back from the depths of the historical center of Pedamentina up the stairs , and down the steps of the Petraio to return to the starting point of Martyrs’ Square.
But there’s more . Fans of milonga will be able to attend an evening of argentine tango in Galleria Umberto I, Saturday, Nov. 2 , starting from 17.30 .

“Napoli SottoSopra”
Naples , from October 31  to November 3
Info: maryfran81@hotmail.it – bennyscarpellino@gmail.com

How to register
On the web site: www.lecollinedinapoli.com
Entry fee: adults € 8 (free for children)
In the place:
Before h 9.00 on Friday 1st November at Martyrs’ Square, Bar “La Caffettiera”
Entry fee: adults € 10 (free for children)