Gospels protagonists in the Basilica of San Gennaro

concerto gospel

Gospel, gospel, very strongly, gospel. This will be the leitmotif of “Christmas concert” that will take shape, Sunday, December 21, starting at 20:30, in the Basilica of San Gennaro outside the city walls (entrance from the Catacombs of San Gennaro – via Tondo di Capodimonte, 13).

Starring, for the first time in Naples, “Trini Massie & The Sound of Gospel Singers”, African American training composed of musicians from various Baptist Churches of the East Coast of the United States, led and masterfully prepared by Trini Massie, one of the most prestigious world Gospel music internationally.

Dense and varied program of the evening, which includes hits from classic Christmas spirituals through the contemporary gospel, in an impressive crescendo of emotions. The energy and charisma bursting of the artists, combined with refined and powerful sound of these melodies, will touch, in fact, we are sure, the depth of each one, as no other music can do.

To make it even more special event, participation in the live, even seminarians of “Trini Massie Gospel workshop”, to be held on 20 and 21 December next at the Hypogeum of the Basilica of Good Counsel in Capodimonte.

For info and costs: 081 7443714