In Monte San Giacomo good cheese is eaten in the cave of robbers


Take paper and pen and mark this event: 16:30 Saturday, September 13. It starts from the municipal gardens of Monte San Giacomo and then proceed to Monte Cervati passing by Location Vallicelli. With a precise goal. Getting in one of the many caves in the Cilento used in the nineteenth century by the robbers pro-Bourbon. Not many people know, in fact, that in the territories once the seat of the Millennial Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was fervent in those days, the opposition to the newborn Italian state.

A struggle for the defense of the integrity of the throne of Naples, which, according to some historians, resulted in more victims of the wars of independence themselves. The demand for so-called “legitimist” was to come back on the throne of Partenope King Francis II of Bourbon, known to history as the “Frankie”, ousted by the coup of Garibaldi. In the area of Cilento capobrigante was that Joseph Tardio, one at the foot of Monte San Giacomo was almost home. I wonder if in those years he also participated in the ceremony of laying the pose of cheese which then produced (and still produces) a cheese taste great.

A ritual that after a century and a half will be rescheduled for the joy of history buffs and foodies just in the caves of the sacred mountains of Cilento. Who, in fact, next Saturday will want to take part in the event, once you get to the secret entrance of the cave, after a nice walk through beech woods and glades, and after attending a play with felonious subject rigorously, will attend the ceremony of their ‘old pose. And right there, in front of the cavern of the robbers, will be collected accessions to be appointed “guardians of the cheese,” those who will watch. And for those who wish, you can also toast to pose with wine flavored with herbs from the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano.

And as they did eat the robbers with a dinner menu of bruschetta tomato and cheese, pasta and beans, bacon and grilled (for those who are still hungry!) N’noglia grilled. If you wish, finally, may also decide to spend the night in the shelter Vallicelli tent and camp in the spaces provided.

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