The flavors of Terra Felix to conquer New York and Chicago

Pizza Margherita, una delle eccellenze della Campania

From October 15 to 31, the products of the excellent food and wine of Campania will be exhibited in New York and Chicago in the megastore Eataly from Oscar Farinetti where they can also be tasted. The initiative involved 37  companies of Campania selected from Eataly delegation from the Chamber of Commerce of Naples awarded the regional competition. Also in New York, then, within Eataly October 9 to 12 as part of “Identity Greedy” there will be a comparison/chef of seven meeting of the American metropolis and seven starred Italian chef. “The objective is to centralize the process of internationalization important to us,” says Maurizio Maddaloni, president of Unioncamere Campania. “The economic data gives us the overall minus sign in so many areas, but these two areas did not record a negative sign and are the segment of the tourism and agribusiness. Going in America to promote our Campania’s excellence  – continues Maddaloni – we also go to promote tourism in our region in a market like the U.S. very juicy for us also in economic terms. Hopefully to bring home, but it will be so definitely, a positive result not only in terms of image but of trade turnover and opportunities economic”.